SIP/VoIP Support is Now Available on Milesight Camera

Published Time : [2013/9/9]    Read : [4785]

Xiamen, China (September 8th, 2013)-Milesight, the leader in IP-based megapixel camera solutions, officially announced the availability of SIP/VoIP support on Milesight network cameras.


Milesight network cameras are now able to offer bi-directional SIP/VoIP audio and video streaming capabilities that allow the cameras to receive or make calls. The users can dial the extension number of a specific camera to get real-time visual and audio from the location. Also, if an alarm occurs, the camera makes a phone call without any extra equipment, to a compatible video phone or mobile phone. That means instead of simply sending an e-mail to alert the user, the camera makes a telephone call when an event is triggered, enabling the user to see and hear what is happening in real time, as well as having the ability to talk to whoever has caused the trigger.


With SIP/VoIP support, Milesight network camera appears as another terminal on the PBX, which could be easily integrated with Video phone, mobile phone or computer softphone to make a SIP-based surveillance solution, ensuring the safety of people and assets by existing phone system. Thus, by introducing SIP/VoIP capability for system integrators and installers, the merging of voice, video and video surveillance becomes hassle-free.

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